@Title: racconti di viaggio @File: famcvl23-viag @Participants: ENO, x, (man, D, 1, retired, conversation participant, Florence), 86, a | LAN, Liana, (woman, D, 2, retired, conversation participant, Florence), 5, a | ELA, Emanuela, (woman, C, 3, professor, conversation participant, Florence), 6, a | MAX, Massimo, (man, C, 3, professor, conversation participant, Florence), 7, a | MRT, Martina, (woman, A, 3, student, conversation participant, Florence), 26, a @Date: xx/xx/1997 @Place: Florence @Situation: conversation at home between relatives, not hidden, researcher participant @Topic: the grand father and the grand mother talk about the trips they have done in the past @Source: GRIT @Class_Lablita: family, multi-dialogue, free-turn taking @Length: 5'02" @Words: 861 @Words_no retr/frag: 859 @Retracting: 0 @Fragments: 2 @Fragmented or Retracted Words: 2 @Interrupted Utterances: 22 @Terminated Units: 167 @Tonal Units: 279 @Turns: 115 @Acoustic_quality: B