@Title: riunione direttiva @File: istcvr01-asn1 @Participants: PRE, x, (man, D, x, manager, Asnu's president, Tuscany), 478, n | DIR, Giuseppe, (x, B, 3, manager, Asnu's director, Catanzaro), 479, a | CM1, x, (x, x, x, officer, participant in the meeting, Tuscany), 480, n | CM2, x, (x, x, x, officer, participant in the meeting, Tuscany), 481, n @Date: 00/00/1985 @Place: Florence @Situation: meeting in the Florentine municipal enterprise that works in collection and waste disposal @Topic: the extension of the collection @Source: GRIT @Class_Lablita: public institutional, multi-dialogue, regulated-turn taking @Length: 3'15" @Words: 377 @Words_no retr/frag: 370 @Retracting: 4 @Fragments: 2 @Fragmented or Retracted Words: 7 @Interrupted Utterances: 10 @Terminated Units: 41 @Tonal Units: 58 @Turns: 37 @Acoustic_quality: C