@Title: elementari: la deilquenza @File: istcvr05-mae1 @Participants: MAS, x, (woman, C, 2, primary teacher, conversation participant, x), 547, n | GIU, Giusi, (woman, W, x, x, conversation participant, x), 548, n | EMI, Emilio, (man, W, x, x, conversation paticipant, x), 549, n | LCN, Luciana, (woman, W, x, x, conversation participant, x), 550, n | CAR, Carlo, (man, W, x, x, conversation participant, x), 551, n | ANG, Angelica, (woman, W, x, x, conversation participant, x), 552, n | MAR, Marco, (man, W, x, x, conversation participant, x), 553, n | TIZ, Tiziano, (man, W, x, x, conversation participant, x), 554, n | SUS, Susanna, (woman, W, x, x, conversation participant, x), 555, n | SAN, Sandra, (woman, W, x, x, conversation participant, x), 556, n | MAN, Manola, (woman, W, x, x, conversation participant, x), 557, n | XXX, x, (x, W, x, x, intervenient, x), 558, n @Date: 01/02/1977 @Place: Florence @Situation: regulated discussion in a class of the primary school @Topic: the problem of delinquency @Source: GRIT @Class_Lablita: public institutional, multi-dialogue, regulated-turn taking @Length: 4'12" @Words: 551 @Words_no retr/frag: 541 @Retracting: 0 @Fragments: 10 @Fragmented or Retracted Words: 10 @Interrupted Utterances: 1 @Terminated Units: 79 @Tonal Units: 197 @Turns: 24 @Acoustic_quality: B