@Title: tg3 intervento Albania1 @File: mednew01-tg3n @Participants: CON, x, (woman, C, 3, journalist, anchor woman, x), 1003, u | INA, Ezio Lucci, (man, C, 3, journalist, correspondent from Albania, x), 1004, u | INB, x, (man, C, 3, journalist, correspondent from Durazzo, x), 1005, u | COM, x, (man, C, x, commander, interviewee, x), 1006, u | CGL, x, (man, C, x, CGIL' s representative, interviewee, x), 1007, u | VEN, Venturoni, (man, C, x, admiral, interviewee, x), 1008, u | VFA, x, (man, x, x, x, voice out of screen, x), 1009, u | VFB, x, (man, x, x, x, voice out of screen, x), 1010, u | VFC, x, (man, x, x, x, voice out of screen, x), 1011, u | VFD, x, (man, x, x, x, voice out of screen, x), 1012, u | VFE, x, (man, x, x, x, voice out of screen, x), 1013, u | VFF, x, (man, x, x, x, voice out of screen, x), 1014, u @Date: 14/04/1997 @Place: Rome @Situation: news @Topic: mission in Albania @Source: GRIT @Class_Lablita: media, news @Length: 6'20" @Words: 965 @Words_no retr/frag: 965 @Retracting: 0 @Fragments: 9 @Fragmented or Retracted Words: 9 @Interrupted Utterances: 0 @Terminated Units: 85 @Tonal Units: 298 @Turns: 11 @Acoustic_quality: B