@Title: conoscere Pinocchio @File: prvcvl35-pin2 @Participants: AMI, x, (woman, C, x, x, conversation participant, Florence), 309, n | STA, Harro, (man, C, 3, x, conversation participant, Germany), 58, n | MIR, Mirella, (woman, C, x, x, conversation participant, Florence), 310, n | RAG, x, (man, Z, 1, x, conversation participant, Florence), 311, n @Date: 00/00/1965 @Place: Florence @Situation: conversation between friends at home, not hidden, researcher not participant @Topic: Pinocchio' s fairy tale and various topics of children's life @Source: STAMM @Class_Lablita: private, multi-dialogue, free-turn taking @Length: 12' 02" @Words: 1925 @Words_no retr/frag: 1906 @Retracting: 0 @Fragments: 19 @Fragmented or Retracted Words: 19 @Interrupted Utterances: 32 @Terminated Units: 251 @Tonal Units: 617 @Turns: 110 @Acoustic_quality: A