@Title: sabato sera al bar @File: prvcvl39-sera @Participants: RAF, Raffaella, (woman, A, 3, student, participant conversation, Frosinone) , 260, n | GIN, Gino, (man, C, x, barman, barman, Florence), 261, n | TER, Teresa, (woman, C, 3, professor, participant conversation, Usa), 262, n | ANT, Antonella, (woman, A, x, barman, conversation participant-GIN's dougther, Florence), 263, n | VAL, Valeria, (woman, A, 3, student, conversation participant, Pescara), 264, n | DON, Donatella, (woman, C, x, barman, barman-GIN's wife, Florence), 265, n @Date: 17/02/1997 @Place: Florence @Situation: conversation in a bar between friends and relatives, x, x @Topic: the last Saturday night @Source: GRIT @Class_Lablita: private, multi-dialogue, free-turn taking @Length: 4'55" @Words: 910 @Words_no retr/frag: 903 @Retracting: 3 @Fragments: 4 @Fragmented or Retracted Words: 7 @Interrupted Utterances: 22 @Terminated Units: 242 @Tonal Units: 383 @Turns: 170 @Acoustic_quality: C