@Title: vendita porta a porta: la macchina epresso @File: prvcvr04-expr @Participants: FRA, Francesco, (man, B, x, craftsman, customer, Calabria), 352, n | MAR, Mario, (man, B, x, x, sales-person, Florence), 353, n | DAN, Daniela, (woman, B, x, x, sales-person, Florence), 354, n | SON, Sonia, (woman, A, 3, student, x, Austria), 355, n @Date: 23/04/1999 @Place: Florence @Situation: a sales-person is trying to sell a coffee-machine, not hidden, researcher participant @Topic: the advantages of the coffee-machine and how to pay for it @Source: GRIT @Class_Lablita: private, multi-dialogue, regulated-turn taking @Length: 46' 56" @Words: 1615 @Words_no retr/frag: 1603 @Retracting: 0 @Fragments: 12 @Fragmented or Retracted Words: 12 @Interrupted Utterances: 43 @Terminated Units: 294 @Tonal Units: 569 @Turns: 189 @Acoustic_quality: C